Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Customers: What did I do to YOU?

It was my day off work today so I thought I'd relax by drawing the people who make my life harder than it needs to be. Kelli (sibling) joined me and we had a ripe 'ole time.
I work at a Peet's Coffee & Tea and my sister works at a dollar theater in Santa Ana. If it's not obvious enough, we have different clientele, though thankfully we each get a fairly equal number of real fuckers for customers.
Here are some examples for you curious readers/viewers out there:

Peet's customers:
I'm going to estimate that about 80% of Peet's customers rely on the OC Register as their daily news source. Why would I estimate that? Because it makes up about 80% of what is left behind in the recyclable newspaper bin. They're vastly the white middle-upper class parents of the kids who are currently attending Foothill High School. The woman is the miserable cow who thinks she knows your job better than you do and hates her life and her newfound wrinkles and wants to take it out on you because she hates the man she married and the worthless spoiled children that she conceived. The guy is the middle aged pervert who has totally given up on being a decent human being and instead has developed the perspective that people are objects to be controlled and manipulated and, if lucky, sexually harassed.

Dollar theater customers:
I don't work here, so Kelli would better explain this disturbing display of human waste. The talk-bubbles really fill you in though.

1 comment:

  1. I totally get a thousand of the same dudes at the bar in my restaurant. Douches to the MAX.
